About Us

We are a small group of neighbours in Birchy Barton Hill who decided that we could do more in the community.

Where is all began…

During Covid Helena & Joel (both musicians) would normally have had many gigs and it became apparent very quickly that there were not to be any, so with the desire to still be involved in events they put their heads together and decided to throw a socially distanced street party to celebrate the 75 year anniversary of VE day. They contacted neighbours who all agreed to get involved and the street parties were born. We had such a successful day, bringing people together who had never spoken to each other before, but literally lived next door to each other and trying to arrange a small collection for charity in the process.

Fast forward to now, we have successful ran 4 street parties with more in the pipeline. The mantle for the running has been passed to the very capable Clare and as we push forward, we look forward to welcoming new faces to the neighbourhood and bringing something extra special to those around us. 


Website by Joel Gater